Taken from https://www.ronwyatt.com/noahs_ark_book

In a day and age when our society seeks heroes and searches for role models, it is encouraging to meet someone like Ron Wyatt. Best described as a modern-day "Indiana Jones," the Turkish government officially recognizes Ron as the explorer who has discovered Noah's Ark in the mountains of Ararat in eastern Turkey.

As you read this book you will be drawn into the intrigue that surrounds Mr. Wyatt's twelve year search for the Ark. His incredible experiences include being jailed as a spy and being shot at by terrorists. He was beaten, robbed and persecuted. While giving details and documentation of the search, this book also offers the reader an opportunity to share in the excitement of his incredible search and discovery.

The release of information about the discovery of the Ark has been kept to a minimum by the national press and the world media until preliminary work was completed to protect the historical remains. However, the Turkish government has given credibility to Mr. Wyatt's discovery by building a four lane highway to the site, along with a Visitors Center which is now open to the public.

The 20/20 television show has been to the discovery site with Mr. Wyatt and has filmed the remains of what they called "Noah's Big Boat". In recent months, Wyatt has been seen on hundreds of television stations across the United States.

In addition to Noah's Ark, Mr. Wyatt has discovered remains of Sodom and Gomorrah, chariot wheels in the Red Sea and the real Mt. Sinai. Now you can discover these and other thrilling archaeological discoveries in this exciting and informative book.

It is our desire to present you with information to assist you in a clearer understanding of the Biblical truth.

Michael D. Sheppard Publisher
[World Bible Society]


go to: https://www.ronwyatt.com/noahs_ark_book for much much more !